

Cook. Eat. Lift.


Cook. Eat. Lift.



Cook. Eat. Lift

Welcome to my virtual space of ramblings, where I plan on sharing the ins and outs of a physique competitor, freelance personal trainer, entrepreneur and all round girl boss. Those who know me would know how straight forward and open I am, so this will be a very personal space where I plan to speak my mind, answer any questions my followers have raised on the various social media platforms I use. I am not your typical bikini girl/bodybuilder, and the essence of my lifestyle during my ‘off-season’ and whilst on prep would illustrate that.

Cook. Eat. Lift will illustrate the three main essence of my life – the daily struggle of cooking interesting meals to fit my macros, hunting down the best restaurants in London, and chasing personal bests at the gym.

Hopefully this blog will provide you with a good source of recipes, some good places to wine and dine, and training ideas.

Carb Smarter

If you’ve read my last post, you may have figured out your macronutrient split by now. Some of you may have ended up with relative low carbs and are probably thinking… shit, what can [...]



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